Track your inventory in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), with DLG Inventory 5E!
After exploring a goblin infested dungeon and surviving until the end you must now take on the arduous task of tracking all your loot!
The DLG Inventory app can be used to track all your inventory from session to session.
You can:
- Track multiple characters across games!
- Customise 5E items to your liking
- Create your own custom weapons/armor/magic/normal items!
- Track weight, encumbrance & coinage
- See all 5E items and the stats that go with them
- All 5E magic items
- Enter store mode and subtract gold as you add items
- Automatically add all items from a pack
- Find out the total value of your entire inventory
The app is the perfect supplement to your pen and paper Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5th Edition adventuring and will make tracking your inventory easy.
DLG Envanter 5E ile, Dungeons and Dragons (D & D) da envanter takip edin!
bir cin musallat zindan keşfetmek ve sonuna kadar hayatta kalan sonra artık tüm yağma izleme zorlu görev üstlenmesi gerekir!
DLG Envanter uygulaması oturumdan oturuma tüm envanter izlemek için kullanılabilir.
- oyunlar arasında birden karakterler Parça!
- beğeninize 5E öğelerini özelleştirme
- Kendi özel silah / zırh / sihirli / Normal öğeleri yarat!
- Takip ağırlığı, yük ve para basma
- tüm 5E öğeleri ve onlarla gitmek istatistiklerine bakın
- Bütün 5E sihirli öğeler
- mağaza moduna girin ve öğeleri eklerken altın çıkarma
- Otomatik olarak bir paketten bütün öğeler eklemek
- tüm envanterin toplam değerini öğrenin
Uygulamaya kalem ve kağıt Dungeons and Dragons (D & D) 5. Baskı adventuring için mükemmel bir destekleyicidir ve izleme envanter kolay hale getirecektir.
Track your inventory in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), with DLG Inventory 5E!
After exploring a goblin infested dungeon and surviving until the end you must now take on the arduous task of tracking all your loot!
The DLG Inventory app can be used to track all your inventory from session to session.
You can:
- Track multiple characters across games!
- Customise 5E items to your liking
- Create your own custom weapons/armor/magic/normal items!
- Track weight, encumbrance & coinage
- See all 5E items and the stats that go with them
- All 5E magic items
- Enter store mode and subtract gold as you add items
- Automatically add all items from a pack
- Find out the total value of your entire inventory
The app is the perfect supplement to your pen and paper Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) 5th Edition adventuring and will make tracking your inventory easy.